Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Season 2 Episode 7 The Chicken Dance

This episode is a favorite of mine.  I think that Miranda's story line is hilarious. I hate the story line between Carrie and Big, but at least Carrie learns something.  Or something.

Narrator Carrie introduces the episode.  She's talking about visitors to the Island and how that relates to interior decorating.  Apparently only people who have impending guests buy furniture or hang pictures.  What a strange observation, I always thought people decorated and made their space *theirs* and only CLEANED when guests were nearish.  yes?

There are men bringing in a large pull-out couch to Miranda's apartment.  She has hired people to fill up her new apartment with window-treatments, decor, and apparently a couch.  I don't know what she sat on before, Miranda LOVES watching TV, I guess she sat on an old folding chair?  What a strange plot device.  And totally unrelatable.  I don't know anyone who doesn't put "buy couch" on their to-do list when they don't have one, just so that they can have one.

Carrie Carrie asks Miranda where her new couch came from and Miranda says she has no idea.  Then Narrator Carrie says that Miranda hired an interior decorator who found, finished and arranged everything in the apartment.  The Interior decorator's name is Madeline Dunne, she's also a friend of Charlotte's.  She hands Miranda a very large ceramic statue of dancing frogs that is hideous.  She leaves with a kiss (I never noticed they kissed goodbye, that is SO not Miranda) and Miranda puts the ugly frogs in the very center of the coffee table (in the center of the frame) and talks to Carrie about how the pull-out couch is what started this whole thing.  Her friend from London is visiting "and if he actually sleeps on it while staying in my fabulous apartment I may have to throw myself out a window-treatment"

Miranda is hoping to turn the relationship between her and her friend from London (Jeremy) into something more. She invited him to stay with her while he scopes out the job market ONLY because their e-mails had recently become mildly flirtatious.  This seems like a set-up for disaster.  ><

In the next scene, Carrie is looking through her purse at Big's.  She can't find a toothbrush, so she asks Big if he has a spare one for her to borrow.

He has one of those old electric ones with pink and blue electric heads.  He pulls out the pink one and makes a point of attaching it to the brush for her while doing a little humming song and flourish.

She reads entirely too much into it.  Narrator Carrie says "There was only one pink brush, and Big was giving it to me!"  Sorry Carrie, but you ASKED if you can borrow his spare brush.  That's all he did.  stop being a moron.

And the next line "It was the single most encouraging moment in our relationship"



Back to Miranda and Jeremy.  Jeremy loves her "flat" (see, he was in London for awhile, so he picked up their lingo, didja notice?!) and Miranda looks kinda cool and flirty and asks, brazenly, "So, how the hell are ya?!" And Jeremy says he's tired of dating and is ready to get married.  I guess Miranda is taken by that, but I read it as a friend sharing with another friend.. what do I know though?  Men don't generally give away all their chips to people they consider getting serious with, at least in this show.

There is a knock on the door, Miranda explains that it's her end-table.  Jeremy jokes that his end-table is afraid to leave the house.  I can tell that Miranda's laughter is forced, but I would be ROLLING.  That was a hilarious joke.

It is indeed her end-table.  In the hands of Madeline the decorator.  Madeline and Jeremy share a very cute moment where they gush over the "inspired by Biedermeier" end-table.  They have *clearly* experienced Love at First Sight, and Miranda is right in the middle of it all, jarred.

Jeremy invites Madeline out to eat with Miranda and him and Miranda reluctantly allows it.  She already can tell she's the third wheel in their whirlwind romance and she isn't happy about it.  At the end of Madeline and Jeremy's first *amazing* date, Miranda says it's about time to get home, she's beat and he must be jet lagged!  She's still hoping to end up with Jeremy.  He doesn't want to leave, says he'll find his way home eventually. She reminds him that he doesn't have a key to get back in to her apartment-- and Madeline "helpfully" suggests that he can use *her* key and Miranda is like "I forgot I gave you a key!" and fake smiles her way out of there.

Madeline and Jeremy continue their *amazing* first date without her.

A week later, Miranda throws Jeremy a going away party!   Everyone is there, it is crowded.  Jeremy taps his glass to get everyone's attention.  He has an announcement.

"I'd like to make a toast! My good friend, Miranda, who not only put me up, she threw this soiree in celebration of my departure! --OK, Miranda, I get the hint-- I'd especially like to thank her for introducing me to Madeline, and incredible, beautiful woman, who must be drunk off her ass because she just agreed to marry me!"

The entire room erupts in screams and congratulations and goodness.

Narrator Carrie narrates the look of abject shock on Miranda's face:  "Apparently the only thing going away was Miranda's dream"

"Ice.  We should get more Ice" Miranda says to nobody in particular.

The foursome are outside Miranda's apartment building.

Miranda: "Everyone says as soon as you get a place of your own, someone will propose. I thought it would be to me!"

Carrie: "Well, at the very least, the woman owes you a mortgage payment."

Miranda: "How is this even possible? These people *just met*"

Charlotte, ever the hopeful optimist: "It's love at first sight!"

Sam: "Oh, honey, this isn't love, it's two people justifying a week of nonstop fucking!"

Miranda: "On my furniture!  I have to redecorate!"  ><

Charlotte: "I think this is encouraging!  This means even if you're not dating anybody, you could be engaged within a couple of weeks!"

Carrie: "OR!  You could be dating someone for a year and be thrilled to get an electric toothbrush head!"

Oh Carrie.

A man walks up, asks the foursome if this is where Jeremy Field's engagement party is.  Miranda says it is, "but it's his going-away party!" Sam says she'll lead him in, and the man asks if she was even going to it.  She says that she was just leaving because there were no hot men there, but things are looking up.

Miranda moans "oh I get it, my apartment will be lucky for everyone but me."  Carrie quips, "What apartment isn't lucky for Samantha?"

As the girls (minus Sam) walk back to Miranda's apartment, Miranda places all the blame on Charlotte for introducing her to Madeline.  She could have hired a nice gay decorator and then Jeremy would have fallen in love with Miranda! Carrie balks, "it's not like musical chairs!"

"Why not me! Am I doing something wrong?! Am I invisible?!"

Miranda's doorman doesn't recognize Miranda at that moment, "Can I help you?" He asks, politely.  "I LIVE HERE!" She booms.


Carrie calls Big that night, waking him up, to ask him about what he thought about the newly engaged couple.  Big pessimistically says that they'll be divorced within 3 months.  Then he asks what she's wearing, cause he needs the visual.  I guess the music is implying he's being sexy and they are being sexy, but it is clear from the language that Carrie wants to believe in love and Big is shitting all over it.  I mean, Not that Madeline and Jeremy *aren't* being at least a little ridiculous, but that Big will do something to show that he loves her, more than just a stupid toothbrush head.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"I believe in Lust at first sight" He jokes.

Later on, she asks in her little laptop: "In a city as cynical as New York, is it still possible to believe in Love at First Sight?"


A few cute interviews later, nothing really of note, a few funny lines anyway, Carrie is with Madeline who is rattling off a bunch of things for her wedding planner to write down.  She is 4 weeks from her wedding and doesn't have time to just meet and chat.  She mentions having Miranda being in charge of the guest book, and then asks Carrie if she'll read something she has written at the wedding, like a love poem.

Carrie is in shock.  She doesn't write about love, she writes about sex, what does Carrie know about love?

Her friends agree, but there is no way out of it.  You can't exactly say no to the bride-- besides, in the grand scheme of things, it is a minor request.

Sam says that she might have to get married now.  The guy she picked up at the engagement/going away party is--"If you're engaged, I'm selling the apartment!" Miranda interrupts. --someone that Sam already slept with!  She didn't even recognize him till he yelled at her to tug his hair while they were going at it. She was having a deja-fuck. He thought she was playing the sexy stranger and didn't remind her till then.  ><  So, now Sam either has to get married or move.

Charlotte wants to talk about the sexy black backless satin bridesmaid dress she got to pick out.  She has been dignified and respectful at 7 other weddings, this time people are going to look at her!

Narrator Carrie explained, "Apparently this wedding was causing a great deal of stress for everyone but the bride and groom!"


Carrie is writing her love poem in bed with Big.  he sees some of the rhymes on her little yellow memo pad and starts mocking her for the poem.
"love, glove, dove.  dove is good: love is like a dove, or a big fuzzy glove.  Don't use that, I may have stolen that from a greeting card."

"OK, thanks." She eyes him to stop mocking her.

"What, this is fun!"

"It's not supposed to be fun, it's for somebody's wedding. A wedding is serious to some people" (she's implying that she wants him to stop mocking love in general because she wants him to love her in that way that makes people stupid and ridiculous and wonderful. Also, she takes it seriously even if she won't admit it)

"Then shove probably won't work" He doesn't get the *very obvious* implication.  Or he does, and he doesn't want to love her that way.  He's such an ASSHOLE.

She laughs off her hurt.

He asks when the wedding is, and she says "what does it matter, you're not going."   "Oh, yes I am. I wouldn't want to miss you reciting 'love glove dove' in front of all of New York for anything"

She hits him with the pillow.  Good girl.
On the morning of the wedding, Big picks Carrie up.  She is excited that he's actually going with her to the wedding.  He doesn't want to sign the card though, "Why do I have to do that, these are your friends"

Carrie says that actually, they aren't *her* friends. also, his name was on the invitation, it was the first time she'd ever gotten one that didn't say Carrie Bradshaw +guest.  He is suspicious about how they got his name.  As if it's for jury duty or something.  Jesus.  Carrie explains that Charlotte must have told Madeline or something, if he doesn't want to sign the card it's not a Big deal.

It's absolutely a Big deal.


At the wedding, Miranda is dealing with the guest book.  She hates her life.  Samantha forgot the guy she already slept with is a guest at the wedding so she decides to drink heavily, and Charlotte looks really really hot and hits it off with a groomsman.

Miranda keeps making quips about how short a time the couple has known each other and it gets a little rude, but it isn't unexpected from her.  She is very cynical.

Carrie goes up to read her poem.  It is really kind of a sweet sweet poem.  She is very vulnerable here, and she means every word, you can totally tell.

Big takes a call in the middle of it.

It hit her.  Two people were committing their lives together, and she couldn't even get a guy to sign a card with her.

She finished her poem with a few tears, man, this is kinda making me tear up too.  She tries to pass it off as tears of joy.  Poor Carrie.

Meanwhile, Charlotte and the groomsman are conversing, asking intimate things like how many kids they each want and where they stand in dog v cat. The groomsman says that the next song should be their song, so they should dance to it.

Big comes back to the table, Carrie tries to guilt him for taking his call, asking him to dance to make up for it.  He doesn't realize any kind of subtext or that he hurt her, saying simply "maybe later, I hate to dance while people are eating"  "Alrighty, I'll be at the bar where people are drinking!"

Big looks confused and I just want to smack him.  ARGH.

At the bar, a man is talking to Sam, saying that he thinks he recognizes her.  She is not in the mood, and she's very drunk.  "It's very possible we fucked" "No," He laughs, "I think I know you from college." "Well, then we probably fucked in college!"  He looks away in an awkward 'well, that was a strange conversation' way and walks away.

Carrie takes his place and Sam tries to talk about the poem which Carrie doesn't want to talk about.  Sam thinks that Carrie doesn't believe in love-- you know, the way that Sam doesn't believe in love-- so she is doing a little bit of mocking.  But then, she sees how affected Carrie is and asks what's wrong. She really gets Carrie. It is sweet.  Carrie moans "Big took a call during my poem. It's not important to him; Nothing is important to him."

Miranda distracts them with a pile of presents-- "The guestbook person is also the put the gifts in the van person. Does anyone want to help me or should I just stand out in the street and wait for somebody else not to see me so I can end it" "I'll help you." Carrie responds, "What street do you want to stand in?"

Sam Notices Charlotte taking the groomsman upstairs to the bridal suite. and Miranda sternly says "If they get married in less than a month, I'm not going!"

Carrie almost drops the present that Miranda hands her, Miranda says "Careful!  That one's from me!" "What are you giving them?" Carrie asks. Miranda answers, "The dancing frogs."

Sam lets out an uproarious laugh!  it is great.

Meanwhile, Charlotte and the Groomsman are setting up the bridal suite for the new married couple.  He is popping poppers and spraying silly string on the bed, and Charlotte is throwing rose petals on the duvet.  They are talking about how romantic it is and are overcome with it all and start doing it on the bed.  ><  oops.  Charlotte never does it on the first date, but they'd already had dinner!  AND been dancing!

A few minutes later, they are coming down the stairs together, wiping off evidence like rose petals and silly string out of each others' hair.  At the foot of the stairs are Groomsman's parents.  Right back on track, Charlotte thinks.  She dances with his father, and right in the middle, he grabs her ass!

She is jolted. Groomsman interrupts the dancing and starts dancing with Charlotte, telling her all about how his dad is his role model.  She says "Your father just felt me up!"  groomsman denies it: "My parents have been married for 50 years!  My father wouldn't cop a feel just because some girl is wearing a slutty dress!"  It occurs to Charlotte that he wasn't going to take his side now, or after 3 or 4 kids, or ever.  she shouts at him from across the room "Did the last 4 and a half hours mean nothing  to you!"  I assume she gets over him in 2.25 hours. :nods:

Miranda and Carrie are coming back from taking the gifts to the van.  Big is standing in the hall at the entrance to the reception and asks in a mock-hurt tone if Miranda had seen his date. Carrie apologizes, and explains herself. Miranda excuses herself, and Big asks if Carrie is ready to go.  Carrie asks if they've even cut the cake yet? And Big says no, but he can tell her how it turns out.  he is trying to joke, but Carrie has had enough.  She tells him "If you want to go, go!"  He grabs for her, and his face is showing some WILDLY exaggerated humorous 'wtf!' expression.  "What's wrong?" he half laughs at her.

"You wouldn't even sign the card!"

He rolls his eyes and gives an exasperated sigh. "The card." He looks down and his eyes roll right out of his head.  (he knows it's not about the card)

"I'm afraid we don't want the same things." She looks so vulnerable and sad and wanting.

"Things like... cake?" He jokes. I want to stab him with cake.

"I want someone who's going to be with me till the end... of a wedding" she cheats.  She can't just tell him what she wants.  She's afraid he'll use it against her.

"OK.  I'll stay."  He says in an upturned tone.  She thinks he means the first thing.  He means the second.

"You will?" She asks, hopeful.

"Yes!" He smiles.

"SINGLE LADIES!" The announcer interrupts. "It's time for the tossing of the bouquet!"

"Isn't the bouquet toss the end?" Big asks. He looks sort of pleased with himself.

"Congratulations, you lucked out."

She asks him to get cake, she's going to say goodbye to her friends.

"Big and I are leaving, he's crossed his pain threshold and he's carrying me along with him."

The foursome look up at Madeline who is preparing to toss the bouquet from a second story landing.  It flies high in the air!  There is a drum roll, the film goes all slow motiony. And it lands at the feet of the foursome.

"OK girls, see you tomorrow!" Carrie says to her friends.  And she turns to leave, the bouquet still at their feet.


Big has cake back in the hall.

Narrator Carrie talks us down.

"Some people know they're meant to be together. I knew I was meant to have cake in bed with Big.  Maybe we're more the fuzzy glove types."

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