Friday, September 16, 2016

Season 2 Episode 2 The Awful Truth

Is Honesty really the best policy? Let's find out

This episode follows a semi-reoccurring  character.  She is Susan Sharon and as far as I know shows up in this episode and all the way in season 4 when Carrie is engaged.  Susan Sharon is married to a very shouty man.  He is a total jerk.  The first scene is him shouting about how she put one of his music cds in the wrong case.  Now, that would totally bother me too, but I wouldn't *yell* like that.  goodness.

Then she's on the street with Carrie.  They are gabbing about stuff.  It isn't important, although it hints at a substance abuse problem for Susan Sharon.  (I have to say "Susan Sharon" every time like that) They go back to Susan Sharon's very grown up apartment where Carrie feels like a kid.  I really hate how she always feels so inferior to people, it is really tiresome.  Anyway, Susan Sharon is giving Carrie a birthday present-- a very very expensive scarf from Barney's. Pure Cashmere, 900 dollars.  Now, knowing Cashmere, I only hope that that scarf was hand-knit.. because it was probably only a hundred dollars worth of cashmere yarn.  Just saying.

Carrie rudely asks if she can return it, and they make a joke about "cash"mere.  Their loud laughter wakes the beast.  The terrible husband who shouts Carrie out of the flat.

Susan Sharon later calls Carrie to apologize.  And then she asks if she should break up with the very rude husband and Carrie is now in a no-win situation, Carrie says that if she isn't happy she should leave him. Samantha brilliantly lays out why this was a bad move on Carrie's part in the next scene when they're all together:

"If she does break up with him it's your fault. If she doesn't break up with him, she knows that you think she should and can therefore never speak to you again. Either way, you're screwed!"

Carrie defends herself-- says she was stressed about getting kicked out of the apartment, not to mention she has a birthday looming. She then pauses and laments that she said too much.

Charlotte, ever the optimist says, " an intimate relationship, you should be able to say anything."

Sam retorts: "I would highly disagree.  Practically all the relationships I know are based on a foundation of  lies and mutually accepted delusions. James and me, for instance-- I pretend that he doesn't have a small dick, and he pretends that we haven't had sex for three weeks."

IMHO: They both have points.  Some things need to be handled delicately, while others are best blurted out in the moment.  If you can't be honest about certain feelings because you're afraid of how the other person will react, then maybe that other person isn't right for you.  What do you think?  Have you ever had honesty bite you in the ass?  (cause I have.. oop!)

Miranda changes the subject slightly to bring up "spring roll" guy-- I love their little nicknames for these throw-away characters-- a man who likes to talk dirty in bed. He now wants her to reciprocate, but she can't do it.  She never could. "Sex is not a time to chat! In fact, it's one of the few instances in my overly articulated, exceedingly verbal life where it is perfectly appropriate, if not preferable, to shut up!"

Charlotte gives advice for once-- totally out of character-- just talk about his big cock!

"Correction," Sam adds, "His big beautiful cock."
"Sorry," Miranda says sadly, "I can't use adjectives."

And then Charlotte continues to show her sexual side, giving more phrases to try out in bed-- these scenes are the best, she's so repressed, and you can tell that she feels comfortable, yet mortified at the same time. Adorable.

Carrie goes home and writes her column.  Narrator Carrie talks about honesty in relationships, if there are lines of propriety that one shouldn't cross in a relationship.
"Are there certain things in a relationship one should never say?" She types into her little laptop.

You know, I just realized how completely appropriate Charlotte's little out-of-character sex talk talk was for the episode.  She has misplaced the boundaries of propriety in her relationship with her friends and said the things she probably shouldn't say in front of them.  I mean, at least for her and her comfort level.  man, this show keeps giving and giving.

We see a few of those quaint little interview things that disappear after this season.  The last one is Susan Sharon talking about how she called her husband an asshole, then the camera moves and she actually *is* talking to Carrie in a shop.  She goes on to describe the fight between her and her husband.  It doesn't sound good.  She asks to spend a few nights at Carrie's place, and Carrie obliges.

Charlotte, in the following scene, has brought home a puppy.  He is one of those over-priced perfectly bred dogs.  You know, the very kind that Charlotte would pick.  Unfortunately, the dog is terrible.  It ends up shitting all over her bed, eating several pillows, ruining shoes, purses, and all sorts of things. And she gives the dog away by the end of the episode.

Sam is still dealing with keeping a tight lip in her relationship with James, the man with the tiny penis.  He keeps asking what's wrong, saying that she has a problem with intimacy. So, James decides they need therapy to get to the bottom of it.

Miranda is having sex with Spring Roll guy.  He's talking and egging her on, trying to get her to say sexy things. He isn't really talking dirty so much as just talking.  He's describing things that are happening and Miranda is just rolling her eyes.  And I am too.  shut up! It's distracting!  Well, for some reason, Miranda decides to go along with it a little bit.  It is more hilarious than sexy.  I guess that is the point.  levity.

Carrie wakes up on her birthday.  Someone knocks on the door, and it's a flower delivery person.  Big has sent red roses. It's a gesture. of sorts.

The girls try to decipher what it could mean over breakfast.

Miranda, always hating Big says, "It means rip up the card"
Samantha adds, "And watch out for the thorns!"

Charlotte is a little more whimsical.  She thinks it's the grand gesture, and everyone lambasts her for it. It's a vague gesture, it's selfish, he's muddied the waters, he's playing games. They all suggest. Then Charlotte's dog starts chewing on her purse.  She gets flustered, calls them cuckoo as she's attempting to control her dog-- "a man sends her flowers on her birthday and you're condemning him!" and berates the dog all in the same breath.  Sam says to give the dog a rest! Charlotte is defensive, the dog has already chewed through many many shoes and she leaves in a huff with the dog, all the while talking to the dog as if it's a child.  silly woman.

Carrie makes the mistake of calling Big to thank him for the flowers.  They have a really awkward back and forth, Big saying that he was alerted to the day by his secretary.  He really isn't a nice guy, he wants to make perfectly clear to her.  She's like.. well, thanks anyway.  And then she invites him to her birthday party for some reason.

He says that he may stop by, but he'll likely bring someone.  She can't think of a polite way out of the future awkwardness, so she says nothing.

In the next scene, Sam and James are at couples therapy.  It is awkward too.  Sam is trying to say anything but "he has a small dick" and James is still trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with her and why she won't have sex with him anymore.  The therapist can't really parse through it, and tells them not to take it all so seriously.  She then starts to make an appointment for the following week.  Sam can't see herself coming back, it isn't a good fit.  She finally, FINALLY blurts out "Your penis is too small.  It can't. and I can't"

"Have you ever stopped to think that your vagina is too big?" James retorts all huffy and pissed off.  He slams the door on his way out.

Sam says to the therapist.  "What can I say? I need a big dick!" And the therapist responds "I hear that!"


Miranda is not so lucky with her honesty.

In the next scene, she's just finished doing spring roll guy.  They are talking.  Miranda is finally comfortable talking.

He's asking what she likes, and she describes some things.  Then he asks what *he* likes, and she answers, playfully, among other things, "You really like a finger in the ass!" and he completely shuts down.

"How was I supposed to know 'you like a finger in the ass' is the one thing you can't say to a man?!" She later vents to her friends.
"Trust me, That's not the only thing" Sam knowingly adds.

They are at Carrie's birthday party.  At some middle eastern restaurant with belly dancers and good food.  Carrie is nervous about Big showing up with his gorgeous date and saying something absolutely crushing like--

"Happy Birthday Baby"

And his date isn't a gorgeous woman at all, but Mr Marvelous (a guy we -thankfully- never see again).  Everyone is really annoyed and confused that he showed up at all, especially with all the flirting with the belly dancers.  Mr Marvelous and Susan Sharon get along a little bit.  Susan Sharon is talking about nothing really-- her relationship, the food-- Mr Marvelous interrupts her to ask if she ever just shuts the fuck up?  And Susan Sharon realizes how much she misses her husband.

Which is weird?  That's weird, right?

When Charlotte gets home that evening, she finds the dog has turned into a complete monster and she decides to give the dog away, something she can never admit out loud. She gives it away to none other than Susan Sharon and her Horrible Husband.

Apparently the dog saved their relationship.  Yet another truth that they can't admit.

It is weird.  Dogs are terrible.

Big and Carrie are walking on the street together for some reason.  Carrie is taken by him talking about how he left all his money in that belly dancer's crotch.  How sweet.  She watches him be driven away by his driver and can't admit that she's not over him.  For some reason.  I mean, he is charming.  And handsome.

That's the episode.

I can't decide if the consensus is that it is better to keep our traps shut, or to be honest.  Everyone who was honest lost their relationship-- in fact, lying (or omitting a truth) was the one thing that brought Susan Sharon and her husband back together.

And the real problem is, correlated to what I said a few paragraphs ago, is it even worthwhile to be with someone if you can't be honest with them?

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