Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Season 1 Episode 11 The Drought

This episode is one of my very very favorites!  It is an Excellent palate cleanser from the last episode.  This episode is witty, charming, and classic Sex and the City.  Great Great episode.

It starts in a bar, Narrator Carrie is talking about New York City and Sex. People getting it, people trying to get it, the people who can't get it. The entire city is trying to get laid!

"After sleeping together for many many weeks, Mr Big and I had gotten comfortable enough to just sleep together"  You see various sleeping arrangements, and finally morning's here, she's smiling over at Big who is smiling at her. mm.. a happy, warm moment between the two of them, the way Carrie always dreamed it could be--

And that's when Carrie toots! She let's out the cutest little fart.  And she is mortified.  ><  She covers herself in the sheet, rushes from the room, knocking into a lamp and the door.  She rushes out of the apartment, quicker than she's ever gotten dressed before.  She rejects coffee, claims she late and skedaddles out of his place.

She goes home, refuses to call him, pores herself into her work but every time she stops to think- TOOT- narrator Carrie is fantastic at recalling sound effects.  BTW, every time I watch this episode I cannot stop laughing.  fart jokes are the best!  :D

She thinks she's in hell.  Silly Carrie.

The next day, she realized how childish she was being, she took the grown-up approach, complete and utter denial.  Big and Carrie are eating Chinese food, sitting at his kitchen island.  Carrie is talking about some museum thing.  Big asks her for some duck sauce way over there on the other side of the table. As she steps up, reaching for the sauce, Big places a whoopee cushion on her seat. His prank goes off without a hitch and he lets out a booming laugh.  It is great.  I mean, not for Carrie.  Later that evening, he doesn't want to have sex with her and she takes it VERY hard.  By the middle of the next week, when Carrie went for manicure with Miranda, it had been three times in a row, and she was just spinning.

"Three times?" Miranda interrupts Carrie's thoughts, "try three months!"


"Now would be a good time to wipe that horrified look off your face!"

"I'm sorry.  I didn't know. Where have I been?"

"You've been having sex!  I've been at blockbuster, renting videos. It's tragic. I'm like two rentals away from a free pound of gummy bears."

"Oh relax!  You're just in a dry spell!"

The movie rentals sort of become a symbol for not having sex.  I guess this is before Netflix and chill.  ><

Carrie tells Miranda about the fart, claiming that she and Big are *too* comfortable.  She also talks about how she needs to move to another city where the shame won't follow her.

Miranda says that Carrie is human!  And Carrie says "I don't want him to know that! He's this perfect guy with his perfect apartment and his perfect suits and I'm the girl who farts! No wonder we're not having sex!"

(this won't be the last time she expresses her inadequacy to Big)

Miranda calls Carrie insane.  It's only been three times, it's perfectly normal.

They talk about how many times normal people do it-- and normal times between doing it while still sleeping in the same bed.  This segues nicely to the next scene. Carrie's little article asks "How often is normal?"  After a few semi-funny interviews, Carrie is at yoga with Sam.  And Samantha is answering the question.  she says "Normal is the halfway point between what you want and what you can get."

I don't understand that answer, but I'll just glide by it.

Carrie asks Sam's opinion about her and Big, and Sam says that she thinks it's trouble. She says that sex is a barometer for how well the relationship is going. Then Carrie reveals the morning gas, and Sam is disgusted.  Carrie says that she's human!  And Sam talks about all the things men don't want to see or hear women do-- like using tampons, farting, or have hair in places we shouldn't.  It is kind of sad, but it is definitely true generally.  Sam talks about how a guy broke up with her once because she missed a bikini wax.  Sounds like she dodged a bullet.

She advises Carrie to go over to Big's and screw his brains out-- then he'll forget all about the fart.  Sam starts heavily flirting with the yogi, invites him to have some tea.  He talks with her about his tantric celibacy, and instead of bailing, she is intrigued.  Apparently talking dirty about not having sex is sexy.  :rolls eyes:

The next night, Carrie has dinner with Charlotte. She tries to get out the detail that she farted, but she's afraid that Charlotte would spontaneously go deaf, so she glosses over that.  Charlotte is classic Charlotte, talking about how we put way too much emphasis on sex.  It isn't a big deal to not have sex.  She then talks about her new flame who will be joining them-- she hasn't slept with him yet and its nbd.  He respects her boundaries which makes it special.

He shows up to dinner, and he recognizes Carrie. They used to go out!  he goes to the phone conveniently (remember pay phones?!) And Carrie and Charlotte discuss the former relationship.

Carrie reveals that back then, he was a total sex maniac.  Charlotte is touched that he would put his raging desire on the back burner for her, and decides that she'll go all the way with him tonight.

Ironically, he isn't interested.  He's been on Prozac for awhile and stopped having any kind of sexual desire.  But he's happy.  So he asks if she wants to watch a rented video from Block buster.  More like CockBlockbuster, amiright?

Samantha and the tantric celibate are hanging out together.  He's reading his scripture and meditating with her.  She notices that he's hard, and she has the insatiable urge to go down on him.  He shakes his head.  No thank you.  She's deflated, frustrated, and starting to get very very horny-- she's starting to get feelings that for her are very new and slightly exciting.  But also depressing.  She won't even masturbate!  :cringe:  This won't end well!  She's come this far!  She'll continue not to come at all.  :D

Carrie takes Sam's advice, heads over to Big's in a dress that left little to the imagination.  She was charged and raring to go.  He doesn't have a prayer.  He's distracted though.  He's watching the big fight, pay-per-view, and is increasingly annoyed by her advances.  He yells at her to stop blocking his view, and she leaves in a huff, totally childish, imo, and for some reason waits outside his apartment for a few moments-- the obligatory he's coming to get me 5 seconds-- but he doesn't come.  And he doesn't leave an I'm sorry message on her phone machine either. Maybe he's :gasp: watching the fucking fight like he said he was going to.  geez Carrie.

Miranda is continuing to rent boring documentaries from blockbuster in order to get her mind off of sex.  But on the way to drop off one of the films, she is catcalled on the street.  And I guess now thinking of sex again?  I never got this.  Some guy yelling at me in the street, asking for a blow job or something would not arouse me in the slightest.

Miranda heads over to Carrie's-- she says that if it gets to four months, she's humping one of them.  ><  Carrie is painting her cabinets, trying to keep her hands busy so she won't call Big.   Carrie talks with Miranda about how exhausting it is to date Big.  She has an enormous amount of pressure to be perfect, to wear perfect little outfits, to pose.  Miranda tells her that she should stop, show Big a little of *this* Carrie, and Carrie is like "What if he doesn't like *this* Carrie?!" and Miranda gets distracted by the naked people fucking in clear view of Carrie's apartment through the window.

They, naturally, invite the other two over for a sex watching party where they all talk about how frustrated they are that none of them have gotten laid this episode.

Miranda is like "Samantha, I cannot believe you would give this up on purpose." and "There are people starving out there and you're fasting!" and  How long has it been anyway?"

"a hundred years." Sam is particularly testy. Charlotte is confused that she wants sex at all.  You know, cause she's repressed, but not used to being rejected by a man who has gone soft. She says, "How is it still hard?  It's been an hour!"

"See that move right there, that's what they're famous for"

After the second show, they all went on with their Saturdays.  Miranda went to get a movie-- and another pound of gummy bears-- when she was catcalled again on the street.  This time she yelled back that she was horny and desperate to get laid.  The man who catcalled her rebuffed her and said he was married.  Miranda was like of course you are you dick.

Samantha went to yoga where she finally got so fed up from not doing it, she told the Yogi that if he wasn't going to do her, that he needed to get his hands off of her.  Then she invited one of the strangers in class to go fuck. :D

Charlotte went to boyfriend's house, tried to give boyfriend a handy-- he told her to stop, it was starting to chafe.  She asked if he would ever get off the SSRI, and he said "nope" so, she said, "not even for me?" and he said "nope." then after a beat, "Oh come on, wouldn't you rather be with a guy who's kind, and not that interested in sex than an unstable, oversexed prick who only wants to get laid?" and she says "nope!" and he leaves.  She -sort of- has come to terms with the fact that she does want to get laid -eventually-.

Carrie is back painting her cabinets when Big knocks on her door.  It's actually the first time he's been to her apartment.  He says that it is nice, she says that it isn't nice and she wants to change a lot, and he says that he likes it.  (pssst.  the apartment is Carrie)

Big notices the couple -still- having sex outside Carrie's window.

"Did you know there is a couple humping outside of your window"

"no.  I didn't notice"

Narrator Carrie says, "Why aren't WE having sex? Is this Normal?  What's wrong?"

Big says to Carrie, "Oh hell, we can do better than that!" and they start kissing and the music plays and narrator Carrie talks the show to black.

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