Saturday, September 10, 2016

Season 1 Episode 8 Three's a Crowd

This episode starts by following Charlotte, she's fallen in love with a man named Jack.  Jack and Charlotte do all sorts of charity events together.  It sort of reminds me of the Funke's.  OK, it very reminds me of the Funke's, especially the bit about how she was chasing him through every disease in New York.  ha.  They'd been officially dating since retinitis pigmentosa.


Late one night, Jack popped the inevitable question.  "What are your fantasies?"

Charlotte of course, took the question innocently: to own her own gallery and maybe a little cottage in Maine.  :P

Well, her *real* fantasy is to have sex in her parents bed.  mm.. kinky.  You all saw this coming: Jack wants to have a threesome.

The gals have their usual four-way about threesomes.

"Of course he does, every guy does" -Sam
"Don't let him pressure you into it, it's just his cheap ploy to watch you be a lesbian for a night" -Miranda
"Jack says I'm sexy" -Charlotte
"He's just buttering you up!" -Miranda

They go on to talk about who they'd invite to have a threesome with.  Sam thinks strangers are the way to go, and Charlotte says that she would want to have one with someone she could trust, like Carrie.  Carrie nods to Sam and says she should go with someone with more experience.  And then Miranda feels left out.  She spends the entirety of the episode trying to feel more adequate about that-- going so far as to answer an ad from the penny saver, apparently it is just full of couples looking for a third.  She gets her validation when a couple *does* want to do her, but she runs away when they validate her and I feel so bad for that couple.  D:

Meanwhile, Sam is doing the married guy.  It's an ideal threesome situation for her, for now anyway.  He is like, in love with her though.  It backfires in a bad way.  He and his wife run into Sam on the street in a future scene, then he calls her and says he wants to leave his wife for Sam.  :cringe:  Sam is like oh hell no.  The wife, on the other phone line, asks Sam if she can join them in bed, you know, to show how adventurous she can be.  "no, no, no no no" is Sam's response.  It is a mess.

Charlotte and Jack go to another benefit (dancing for dyslexia) and they are sitting at the bar, Jack is needling her, trying to get her to say how hot some of the women are.  Guy, stop forcing it...  it is getting desperate.  goodness.  A woman pops between them, asks Charlotte for a light, says it's a shame she doesn't smoke, and Jack says to Charlotte that she was flirting with them.  Charlotte says that she was obviously flirting with *him* and Jack says that Charlotte has a fire inside.

"You know they make a cream for that?" Carrie says to Charlotte in the next scene.  Also, "Don't do it just to make Jack happy."  Also, "Don't you think it's weird you're thinking of sleeping with someone you don't know to get closer to Jack?"

She is on point in this episode.  :nods:

One of the best series of interviews is in this episode.  It is just people reading out loud the ads in the penny saver.  The best one:

"X-files fanatic twosome seeks Scully look-alike for abduction fantasy"


Big and Carrie have a cameo in this episode.  Carrie asks Big if he's ever had a threesome, and he says of course he has, with his ex-wife.  Carrie about strangles him with the tie she's putting on him.  She had no idea that he was married, that they had hot sex, and why they got divorced.

She brings it up with her friends, and the general consensus is for Carrie to spy on the ex-wife.  She makes an appointment to see her at her office-- she's a book publisher-- and plans to outline a steamy bodice ripping novel in order to rationalize the meeting.

Carrie looks around the office, finds several awards, one for special Olympics chairwoman, and is feeling VERY insecure (as usual).

Big's ex, Barbara, says, "I love your column, never miss it, I didn't know you were interested in writing children's books?"

And there go her ideas for a steamy bodice ripping novel.  She comes up with a terrible idea on the spot-- a cigarette smoking girl who can go anywhere in the world when she lights up.  ><  And Barbara thinks she's hilarious.

In a future scene, Carrie gets insecure while attempting to make love to Big.  She imagines Barbara in bed with Big and her, showing Carrie how to properly suck on Big's earlobes.  It's kinda hot, but Carrie is just drowning in insecurity. Carrie stops kissing him, is distracted and lays her head on the pillow. Big asks what the hell happened? And Carrie says she's thinking about her column (narrator Carrie says she's thinking about his ex-wife's breasts, his ex-wife's lips, his ex-wife's long legs) Big sees right through that and tells her that he didn't tell her about being married before because it was a long time ago.  Carrie asks what happened and he says "alienation of affection followed by divorce" (whatever that means).  He cuddles her and Carrie is imagining Barb sleeping in bed with the two of them (course, she's only seen Barb in a pant suit, so imaginary Barb looks so out of place there in her blue office attire)

In the next scene, Carrie is having lunch with the flesh-and-blood Barbara.  they talk about the book idea, apparently Barbara thinks the idea is hilarious and wants to publish it without the publishing house's backing.  A few drinks in and Carrie is "sleeping with the enemy"-- she sneakily asks her if she's been married and what happened there.  Barb reveals that she was married, a loooong time ago. And that he cheated on her with her best friend.  What a dick.  Carrie seems to regret the meeting, just a little bit.

Later on, Charlotte is at yet another benefit with Jack.  This one is sort of a masked ball.

"Do you like peacocks?" Charlotte asks Jack as she scans the room, looking for her type.
"Do you?" He answers, and she winks at the masked woman.  Then she looses her nerve and runs upstairs to get away from the crowd.  The peacock follows and they find themselves in an unoccupied bedroom.

The three of them sit together and things are looking up, until Jack and the peacock start kissing, lay back, and leave Charlotte still sitting on the edge of the bed wondering what the hell happened.  "Apparently someone else's fire was stronger than Charlotte's"  Charlotte leaves the party regretting she ever fantasied about a threesome.  D:

In the final scene, Carrie is out with Big, they are walking along Carrie's street talking absently about the bad date they just had.  Big is like "what the fuck, you're talking to me like we're strangers!"

Carrie confronts him about his ex-wife and Big already knows about the meetings she had with Barb, because he still talks to her.  Carrie is upset, Big tries to make a joke about talking to all his ex-wives, but Carrie doesn't have a sense of humor about it.

Big rationalizes the three-some: "The reason we had a three-some is because we were both looking for someone else" And I really have to call bullshit on this.  I mean, couples can have threesomes without the 'looking for someone else' angle.  That is what is really annoying about this whole episode-- between Jack using a threesome as a way to cheat, to Big saying that he also used a threesome to cheat, it really undermines the real reason why lots of couples have threesomes.. duh.  BECAUSE IT IS HOT.

But no, we're all just cheating monogomists who are incapable of loving or lusting outside of a regular cis-hetero relationship.


At the end of the episode, Carrie leaves imaginary Barb on the other sidewalk and decides that Big is with her now, so obviously his attentions won't wander to his former flame.  Maybe she oughtn't give so much power to a woman who isn't even interested in Big anymore.

And that's the episode.  Sorta  bittersweet.

Poor Barb

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